The Ancient and Honorable Order of Turtles ("International Association of Turtles", "Turtle Club",or similar title)
started as an informal "drinking club" between World War II pilots, self-described as "an honorable drinking fraternity composed
of ladies and gentlemen of the highest morals and good character, who are never vulgar."
To gain admission, one must answer four from a list of about twenty-five qualifying questions. Each question suggests a
vulgar, lewd, or salacious answer, but the actual correct answer is rather innocuous. Once inducted, a member must reply to
the question, "Are you a turtle?" with the password. Otherwise, the member must buy the questioner a drink. If the member
is unable or unwilling (perhaps because of the restriction on vulgarity) to provide the correct answer, he or she owes to
each other turtle present a drink of the recipient's choice.